Over the Wall

Over the Wall

Yesterday the Precision Solutions team gathered from all over the country to enjoy a baseball game between the Colorado Rockies and the San Francisco Giants.  The game was awesome – Rockies won!  But something happened after the game that, while unnoticed by...
Email is NOT Secure!

Email is NOT Secure!

Every day we receive dozens of emails from customers, vendors, and friends old and new. Normally these messages are pretty innocuous but a couple of weeks ago a customer forwarded a report they had received via email from one of their customers. Imagine my surprise...
When Cool Stuff Breaks…

When Cool Stuff Breaks…

Published in the Longmont Daily Times-Call, August 22, 2004 Cool stuff breaks. Nobody plans it to happen of course, but with amazing frequency cell phones, pagers, computers… anything powered seems inevitably destined for problems. When this happens isn’t it...
Customer Service is Dead – Long Live Customer Service!

Customer Service is Dead – Long Live Customer Service!

At some moment in your life, you’ll probably have an experience something like this: You buy a new piece of computer equipment with high hopes and grandiose plans that this thing, whatever it happens to be, is going to be really, REALLY cool. With this device,...
The Sure Thing

The Sure Thing

Published in Spectrum Magazine, May/June 2007 Since the dawn of time, people have been looking for that all-elusive “sure thing”. Gamblers look for a sure thing as a mystical path to the ultimate jackpot. Teenagers look for a sure thing in every aspect of...